Service Standards and Performance

We aspire to deliver service excellence to our members and employers.  To achieve service excellence, we’ve benchmarked where we are, and agreed measures to achieve our goal.

Our member service response times


Pay a lump sum retirement grant within 7 working days of receiving all the information we need from the member.


Acknowledge the notification of the death of a member to next of kin within 5 working days.


Notification of dependants benefits within 5 working days of receiving all the necessary paperwork.


Pay lump sum death grant within 7 working days of receiving the appropriate documentation.

Transfers Out

Provide a maximum of one guaranteed Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) within 10 working days of receiving a request.


Payment of CETV within 20 working days of receiving all completed transfer out forms.

Early Leavers

Notify members holding more than three months, but less than two years’ service, of their rights and options at leaving.  As there is a one month and a day lying period the target is within 10 days of the end of the lying period or after the employer providing full leaving information if later.


Pay a refund of contributions within 7 working days of receiving the completed declaration and bank details form.


Notify early leavers entitled to deferred benefits of their rights and options within 10 days of being informed of end of pensionable employment.

New Members

Provide new members with scheme information within 20 working days of receiving details from employer.


Provide a transfer in quote within 10 working days of receiving the required information from the member’s previous pension scheme.


For members, visit My Pension Online


For employers, complete requests within 10 working days of receipt.


The table below shows performance against response times.

Measure  Target % 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Pay a lump sum retirement grant within 7 working days of receiving all the information we need from the member 96 98.7 98.3 83.7
Acknowledge the notification of the death of a member to next of kin within 5 working days 96 95.6 97.4 97.5
Notification of dependants benefits within 5 working days of receiving all the necessary paperwork 96 93.5 96.5 24.9
Pay lump sum death grant within 7 working days of receiving the appropriate documentation 96 99.3 99.4 78.8
Provide new members with scheme information within 20 working days of receiving membership details from their employer 96


99.1 98.9
Provide a maximum of one guaranteed Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) within 10 working days of receiving a request 91


99.7 64.6

Notify members holding more than three months, but less than two years’ service, of their rights and options at leaving within 10 working days of receiving all required information from employer

85 95.4 96.7 86.7
Pay a refund of contributions within 7 working days of receiving the completed declaration and bank details form 91 99.2 98.5 84
Notify early leavers entitled to deferred benefits of their rights and options within 10 days of being informed of end of pensionable employment 91 94 97.4 97.4
Provide a transfer in quote within 10 working days of receiving the required information from the member’s previous pension scheme 96 93 98.1 52.9
For employers, complete estimate requests within 10 working days of receipt 91 99.7 100 82.7

Overall survey satisfaction

As part of our satisfaction survey questionnaires, we include the question “Overall I feel the service provided by the Fund on this occasion was excellent”.

The table below shows overall satisfaction.

Target % 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Members 94 92 91
Employers 99 94 100




Our Communications Policy summarises our communication channels on how we communicate with members, employers and other stakeholders. 


My Pension Online