For service from 1st April 2015:
For each employment you will have a Pension Account. This will hold the pension you are building up in the Scheme.
Your pension each year that will be added to your Pension Account will be worked out using your pensionable pay each year as at 31 March.
Each year you will build up a pension of 1/49 of your pensionable pay for that year. Each following year the pension in your Pension Account will be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index.
For Service from 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2015:

If you joined the Scheme for the first time on or after 1 April 2009, your benefits are worked out as:
Pension = final pay x membership ÷ 60
You can take part of your pension as a tax-free lump sum, but you will have to give up some of your pension for this.
For Service before 1st April 2009:

If you have membership before 1 April 2009, the benefits you earned before 1 April 2009 are worked out as:
Pension = final pay x membership ÷ 80
Lump sum = pension x 3
You can choose to give up some of your pension for a bigger lump sum.
If you have membership both before and after 1 April 2009 the two amounts of pension and tax-free lump sum will then be added together to give you your total final salary benefits.