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Change your contact details

Find out how to update the details we hold such as your address and email. 

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Marital status

If your marital status changes, let us know. 

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Change to your bank account

Tell us about changes to your bank account using our secure online service. 

  • Paying less or more
  • Opt Out
man in woods in autumn

Paying less or more

You can choose to pay more towards your pension or reduce the costs for a period of time.  Find out more about AVCs, APCs and the 50/50 scheme. 

Change your contributions (Paying less or more)
man in woods in autumn

Opt Out

You can opt out of the Scheme at any time, find out more here. 

Opting Out
  • Reporting a Death
man in woods in autumn

Reporting a Death

You can let us know about the death of a member by completing our form.

My Pension Online